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Bosa e il Nuraghe di Torralba

Travelling between the Malvasia vineyards and Nuragic towers

This is a very popular excursion, because it offers the opportunity to get a comprehensive overview of the various aspects of the Sardinian landscape.

The route stretches from Alghero to the southern coast along one of the island’s most impressive panoramic roads – with the clear blue sea on the one side and the multi-coloured Mediterranean scrub on the other – reaching all the way to the town of Bosa, in the valley created by the River Temo.

Here you can visit the delightful ancient borgo, which is mostly built into the rocks on the slopes of the Serravalle hillside, at the top of which you will find the medieval castle of the Malaspina dynasty.

The streets of the historical centre are lined with workshops specialising in lace, as well as wineries where the exquisite fortified white dessert wine called Malvasia is produced.

Having left Bosa, we head towards Torralba to visit the archaeological complex of Santu Antine, which is constituted by a nuraga (truncated conical tower) and by a village of huts dating from the Bronze age, on top of which buildings were then constructed during the Roman era.
The tour ends back in Alghero.

(Coach trip with guide / duration: ½ day)